
If you cannot make our opening hours, as listed on the website, feel free to send us an email to set up a specific appointment time. You can also email if you also have aa difficult or more lengthy project in mind that might need more time then the opening hours available. We can see if a volunteer has extra time to work with you. Also feel welcome to email in advance if you would like to say hello and remove any nervous feelings :)


We are always open to new collaborations with neighbors or other groups that want to work with us or make use of the space. We have hosted talks, screenings, karaoke, barbeque, repair cafes, learning workshops, group rides and much more. We have also travelled to do workshops at other locations. If you have an idea feel free to reach out.

Schout Heynricstraat
3032 VA Rotterdam

mail adres:
Banierstraat 62A
3032 VA Rotterdam

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